working in a thematic group (clusters) the partners will exchange, support each other, and develop collaborations.
the key to the enabling project is the establishment of a collective of citizens (Local Coalitions) in all pilot cities constituted by different kinds of stakeholders (associations, artists, social workers, urbanists, or municipality agents…) and the collaboration between diverse European partners.
everyone has a say and we all learn from each other.
the project’s design involves multidisciplinary skills and experience.
they are a collective of citizens who have the willingness to gain ecological knowledge when engaging with development projects in their cities and neighborhoods. They want to contribute to making their neighborhoods and their cities a greener and better place.
at the end of the project, the ecology should be at the centre of the organisational development and ethos of the partners.
the project will create its own new ecological assessment tools to better quantity and quality the ecological impact with a framework adapted to a variety of cultural interventions.
the term "urban ecology" has been used variously to describe the study of humans in cities, of nature in cities, and of the coupled relationships between humans and nature. “Urban ecology” is the name of one of our training programme about changing perspectives and understanding the conditions of neglect, viewing the empty spaces both as ecological spots but also as political spots, and building the capacity to create better governance to transform the spaces positively and create the conditions for sustained care.
is a training proposed at city level about becoming city changemakers. Changemaking is an effective organizational or societal change. (sources: Ashoka)
the potential biodiversity of the space could enhance new forms of relationships between human and non-human inhabitants.
the commoning practice contributes to building inclusive urban ecology. “Commoning” refers to initiatives concerning material or immaterial resources shared among a community of users who determine by themselves the rules for the management, use, and enrichment of their resource; it is also based on a set of collaborative and contributive practices. (sources:
the impermanence of the space is maintained through temporary, agile, and resilient strategies.
sensitive mapping is a new form of participatory mapping that consists of translating an individual or collective spatial representation into a material output according to a subjective, affective, imaginary, and/or creative reading of a space.