KONTJENER is a non-profit organization from Zagreb, Croatia founded in 2002 that is engaged in curatorial work, organization of art festivals and events, artistic productions, publishing, education and social theory. The main field of interest is progressive contemporary art which investigates the role and meaning of science, technology and the body in our society, focusing on relevant and current phenomena as well as those perceived by the society as taboos. KONTEJNER deals locally with problems of inadequate spatial infrastructure for organisation of independent culture and civil society in Zagreb, engaged in the conceptualization of innovative models.
KONTEJNER is experienced in EU and international projects and has been and is part of several Creative Europe
projects: Future DiverCities (2016-2020), EMAP – European Media Art Platform (2017-2021), Re-Imagine Europe (2019-2021), Arc-hive (2021-2022) as well as a lead partner on the Erasmus+ project “Sound Experiments – New Approaches in Non-formal Learning in Music” (2021-2023).