OPEN CALL launched by La Friche and CHRONIQUES – 11/09/2023

Submission deadline: 19/10/2023 Future DiverCities proposes new cultural and ecological interventions to improve and enhance the ecological value of vacant urban spaces in nine pilot cities. In each city, a local coalition consisting of citizens, artists, local authorities, residents, and potential users began to collectively reflect on the impact of the project and its development. […]

What’s new in September? – 06/09/2023

The summer was fruitful, and the Future DiverCities partners are back with exciting news and engaging activities. To celebrate our first year since the project’s launch, this September we invite you to a series of events, openings, and a festival.   “This year, I have thought of ANTI as a kind of urban activist, which […]

Newsletter #2 – Subscriptions open: free cycles of webinars – 28/03/2023

Click here to subscribe! Future DiverCities not only support the sparking of new cultural initiatives in eight cities across Europe. It also offers two series of training and knowledge sharing programmes, to build new capacities on innovative approaches for tackling the theme of temporary artistic uses, urban and territorial regeneration.  The relevant knowledge is transferred […]

Newsletter #1 – Launching of Future DiverCities Project – 28/11/2022

On the 4th and 5th of October, Future DiverCities, a four-year project funded by the European Commission (Creative Europe), was kicked off in Florence. Hosted by the Italian partner LAMA Impresa Sociale, 13 European organisations met in Manifattura Tabacchi, an old tobacco factory and one of the most important examples at an international level of […]